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About Our Product Reviews

Have you ever wished you could just get honest, unbiased feedback about a product that you are considering? Well, we heard you!

We are proud to offer you reviews of our products to help you make smart shopping decisions. Now you can look to other people who have bought and used our products to help make your purchasing decisions to ensure you find the right product for your needs.

Our shopper reviews go a step beyond a thumbs up or thumbs down opinion, giving you more specific details about pros and cons and best uses, and even include the ability to scan reviews from people who are similar to you.

You will notice that our reviews aren’t all “perfect.” We want you to see all of the feedback offered from our customers so that you can trust in our site and the products you purchase from us. We invite you to read our product reviews to help with your purchasing decision, and we invite you to submit your own reviews so that future shoppers can benefit from the honest feedback that you provided. Have some fun with it – you can upload your own images and videos related to the product, and we’ll post those, too.

Where do I find the reviews?

When you are looking at a product in our site, you will see review stars which give the average number of stars from all of our customers who have submitted feedback on that particular product. To get the full details, you can click the link to Read Reviews.

How do I know if the reviews are really from people who have purchased the product?

Our reviews will tell who submitted them by badges found in the reviews themselves. You will see if they are from a Verified Buyer (someone who purchased the product, then validated their purchase when they submitted a review) or Verified Reviewer (usually someone who purchased a product and gave it as a gift). If the reviewer did not confirm back their review submission, then you will see no badge on that review.

How can I submit a review?

Submitting a review is simple. Simply go to the page of the product you would like to review, and click on the Write a Review link. You will land on a page that will prompt you for feedback with questions that are relevant to that specific product, and you can also fill in your own comments. After making a purchase from our site, we will automatically send you an email invitation to write a review of the product(s) that you purchased a few weeks after delivery.

When might I see the review that I send in?

It usually takes about 10 business days for reviews to appear on our site.